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Wholesale Merchant Services
Just what are wholesale
merchant services and what can they do for the serious
seller or buyer who has chosen a particular product or
line of products? The answer may not be simple, but there
are some basic guidelines for those interested in wholesale
merchant services and what they mean to the business.
First of all, do not be misled into
thinking that wholesale merchant services means that some
expert in the industry is going to take you by the hand
and show you how to avoid mistakes, get good prices and
make lots of money. Oh, there are consultants and long
time wholesalers who will sometimes assist a newer business.
In fact, there are some wholesale merchant services companies
who include mentoring and advice as part of the package
when you sign with them. But when you hear someone mention
the term "wholesale merchant
services" you are going to be hearing about companies
who offer processing systems and equipment to handle payments
from your wholesale customers.
This is the bottom line, though each
company may have some slight differences in the way they
handle the processing and how much "hands-on" help
they give you. Wholesale merchant services can include
credit processing, online debit payments, purchasing cards
and much more (including major credit cards). How is this
a profitable business venture for the wholesale merchant
services firm? Again, to put it quite simply, these companies
charge a fee for each transaction they process for the
wholesale merchant.
Here's an example of just what wholesale
merchant services mean to the supplier/wholesaler who needs
to collect payment. Suppose that a customer orders $100
worth of product from you, using the Web site and a credit
card. The wholesale merchant services company might take
out a small percentage of that amount: 1 percent, 2 percent,
3 percent, 4 percent. Whatever your agreement says, that
is the cost to you, the wholesale merchant. Tip: There
can be additional pennies added to this cost – if
it necessary to do any manual entry of numbers etc. It
is always best to ask.
Perhaps the best way to understand what wholesale merchant
services are and what they can be is to list some examples
of what may be included in a service agreement.
There can be: application fees; technical
support fees; cost for the "terminals," (the physical equipment
the merchant uses, if any; downtime, especially if a customer
service representative is not available; interchange – the
amount of each transaction paid to the bank that issues the
credit card. Interchange fees have numerous levels. A clear
understanding of this cost factor is necessary for any wholesale
merchant to be successful. The rate is based on how risky
the issuing bank feels the transaction may be. The level
of the fee will basically be determined by the conditions
and restrictions set for accepting credit cards and processing
the purchase. Wholesale merchant services can also involve
authorization fees – as much as 3 cents per transaction.
Tip: Ask about this fee when researching wholesale
merchant services. Essentially, wholesale merchant services are a
very specific set of financial activities to help business
collect money.
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