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Wholesale Electronics
Everyone wants the latest electronic gadget
and the wholesale electronics industry may be just the ticket
for those who want to own the brightest and fastest. But
there are several different niches in this field and it would
be best if the reseller and the end user understood just
what separates one distributor of wholesale electronics from
For example, there are merchants who
sell only to retail shops and professional assemblers and
repairmen. These suppliers of wholesale
electronics often require that their customers be established
in retail or repair. Part of the process of establishing
an account with one of the wholesale electronics merchants
is providing sales tax numbers and business license information
that confirms the customer as a "legitimate" wholesale
The suppliers in this first category usually offer electronic
equipment, consumer electronics and accessories that are
purchased in bulk. Of course, some of the most important
clients for these merchants are assemblers and repair shops
that buy original parts. In addition, this field is a foundation
for the entire electronics industry and the suppliers often
have print magazines and catalogs that offer market information
and identify trends in the wholesale electronics business.
For these suppliers, quality parts are just the tip of the
iceberg when it comes to providing well-rounded service.
There are also merchants in the wholesale electronics business
who work primarily with computer systems and information
technology. These specialists generally travel the world,
in person or via the Web, to find well-designed products
at the best prices. Most of the customers for these suppliers
are large resellers and assemblers of computer systems and
peripherals. As a significant part of the wholesale electronics
industry, the wholesale suppliers and the resellers have
specific design requirements that set this area of wholesale
electronics apart from other fields. Products offered by
these wholesale electronics suppliers include computers and
peripherals, special areas of audio and video equipment and
security electronics. As several of these large suppliers
note, if you are a large school or university, a government
entity or a manufacturer/assembler, you will probably need
to register with a password to get wholesale pricing.
Then, of course, there are suppliers
of wholesale electronics who deal not only with resellers
and retail shops, but also directly with the end user.
As with most wholesale business, the individual who buys
at "wholesale" prices may
actually be a discount customer, since wholesale generally
means buying in large amounts to get volume pricing. But
no matter what the status of the buyer, there are wholesale
electronics suppliers who can ship direct to customers interested
in the best music gadgets, car stereo equipment, CD players,
personal information storage devices and more.
If you desire wholesale electronics items from companies
such as Samsung, Toshiba, Clarion, Pioneer, JVC etc. there
are dozens, even hundreds, of suppliers with warehouses full
of the best in the business. In addition, many of these merchants
will work with you to have the manufacturer ship direct to
your home or shop.
There are a couple of issues that individuals
and retailers may run into when shopping for the best in wholesale
electronics. These include restrictions on shipping to
individuals who wish to avoid sales tax, customs inspections,
as well as the usual concerns about security when purchasing
large amounts with credit card or electronic pay. Of course
you will want to make sure you have full understanding of
the warranty/guarantee policies of any merchant you work
with. A bit of time at the beginning can clear up these issues
and ensure that you are dealing with a reputable, top-quality
wholesale electronics supplier.
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